Monthly Archives: August 2022

Wise Work Strategies For Heart Health

Wise work strategies for heart Health. When you’re at work, you tend to be focused on the task at hand.  That can put your health on the back burner.  But if you’re serious about keeping your heart healthy, you can use work time to an advantage.  There are plenty of simple things you can do…

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Why You Have To Take The Stress Test

Understanding why you have To take The Stress Test: Many medical tests provide information about your heart while it’s at rest, but it’s also important to know how well your heart works when you’re asking it to perform under heavier stress.  The stress test is designed to measure your heart when it’s working a little…

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How Can Stress Affect Your Heart

How Can Stress Affect Your Heart? Stress is something that everyone has to deal with.  Its basic definition is your body’s response to any kind of external stimulus – physical, mental, or emotional.  For a long time, physicians and scientists have found that there is a relationship between stress and heart disease risk, but there’s…

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The Best Fruits and Veggies For Heart Health

The best fruits and veggies for heart health: Everyone knows you need to eat fruits and vegetables, but there are some that are even more critical when it comes to keeping your heart healthy.  Fruits and vegetables have long been known to help prevent diseases like cancer, but scientists now know that the heart receives…

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Simple Ways to Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Heart Healthy Diet

You probably already know that you need to have a diet high in fruits and vegetables.  Somehow, though, this can be easier said than done.  The American Dietetic Association recommends that people eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables.  Here are a few helpful ideas for adding them into your diet.  This will…

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Choosing the Best Exercise for Your Heart

For years, people have focused on aerobic activity to improve heart health.  And while it’s true that this type of exercise specifically targets the heart, it’s also true that the heart can be affected by the total health of your entire body.  That means that you need to target all areas of fitness in order…

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